Exciting football vacations

We book for you the football camp

Exciting football vacations

We book for you the football camp

Sign up your youngest for great soccer vacations

Football camps for teenagers

Dream football vacations

Offer your offspring the opportunity to pursue their passion even on vacation and register your teenager for one of our football camps. Your boy or girl will train near the hotel complex, enjoy the dreamlike beach atmosphere with friends and relax after the exertion at the beach or at the hotel pool.

Lots of fun & new friends guaranteed

The hotels offer numerous fitness and sports facilities in addition to the sports field. Handeys Reisen organizes football camps in Italy, Spain, Croatia and the Canary Islands. Give your offspring the gift of unforgettable vacations and lots of fun with newfound friends. We will be happy to inform you about the current offers.

Picked out for you by our travel experts

Football Camp Canary Islands

Football camp in Croatia

Football camp in Spain

Football camp in Italy

Train like the pros

Football camps for children and youth

An exciting week of football

We organize the sports trip